Where kids play to learn and adults learn to play.

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Pin Punch Snowflake & Winter {FREE} PRINTABLE PLAYDOUGH MAT

To kick off our new play lab theme: WINTER we have a pin punch snowflake guide and a FREE playdough mat printable.

Pin punching: Montessori activity
A popular (and sometimes misunderstood) Montessori activity is what’s called pin punching.  You lay out a piece of paper that has a shape on it (or in our case, a piece of craft foam in the shape of a snowflake).  Lay it on top of a cork board and provide a push pin for the child to poke around the perimeter of the shape. It’s a tactile learning method that deepens concentration, fosters attention to detail, and provides an alternate mode of understanding a shape.  Perhaps most importantly, it strengthens the child’s pincer grip to prepare their hand for writing.

The activity requires supervision of course, but this can be offered to children as young as 2 years of age.  

Come on out and play with us!

Join us for our December play labs where we’ll have these pin punch snowflakes on hand along with thoughtfully curated games, activities, books, and art projects to keep your little one playing and learning. 

Dates for this month’s play labs: Dec. 3, 12, 17 Grab your spot—> http://bit.ly/2R9lCMF

