Where kids play to learn and adults learn to play.

Blog & DIY Resources

Human Body Organ Stamps (FREE PRINTABLE)

Hi guys, Shannon here, back with another resource I think you’re going to have fun with!

This month, our Play Labs are focused on the fascinating and complex systems found right inside our own bodies. So to enhance the playful learning we’re doing in the Lab, we thought we’d create a set of stamps to help us practice where each organ should go.


To start the project, we recommend gathering these materials:

  • our stamps template

  • craft foam or cardboard

  • scissors

  • pencil

  • (optional) recycled plastic lids

  • (optional) glue

  • paint

  • foam brushes

  • printing paper

How To:

Step 1: Using the template, trace the organs onto the craft foam or cardboard and cut out.

Step 2 (OPTIONAL): Glue the organs onto the backs of recycled lids. ** Don’t forget to glue it on backwards so the stamps are anatomically correct when you begin to use them! ** We used shipping mailer caps, but yogurt or peanut butter lids would work well too. This makes it easier for little hands to use and allows them to be reused.

Step 3: Apply an even coat of paint to each stamp using a foam brush.* And have at it!

*We got a little carried away and stamped all the organs at once while the paint was still wet (whoops), but it gave us a chance to learn a bit of color theory in the process. Playful learning in action!! ;)



If you try this at home, don’t forget to tag us on Instagram @kidlabraleigh so we can see how it turns out!