Where kids play to learn and adults learn to play.

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Lion scroll saw puzzle - FREE TEMPLATE

Hi guys, Shannon here.

Back with you to share a simple scroll saw project that doubles as an anatomy of a lion puzzle! Ever since getting a scroll saw for my birthday a few months ago (my husband knows me so well!), I’ve been using every excuse to make stuff.

And if this looks intimidating and you landed here because you’re new to woodworking and using a scroll saw, take heart! I’ve only been using the scroll saw a few months, so if I can do this, you can too. For real! But be forewarned: once you realize the possibilities of working with wood, you may never go back. I inherited a few heirloom wooden rocking chairs and kids furniture pieces from my grandpas (both sides) and great grandfather. I’ve been dreaming of doing the same with my own kids; I’m excited to design unique pieces that they can keep and pass on to their kids or grandkids if they’d like.

But enough gushy stuff. Let’s get to it! I’ve created a FREE TEMPLATE of the lion you can use. (please do not resell or use for commercial purposes). You can opt for a different material like felt, craft foam, cardboard, paper, etc. All would look great! And just in time if you or your kiddos are into the new Lion King movie!

I chose plain pine wood and finished it with my favorite FolkArt paints in Champignon and Coral Beauty. I added small wood pegs to help handle the pieces, but these would be completely optional.



In addition, I’ve added an anatomy of a lion puzzle and a few handwriting worksheets to extend the playful learning. Check out the free content bundle below. ENJOY!