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Lion King Shadow Puppets (FREE PRINTABLE TEMPLATE)

Did anyone else go see the new Lion King movie this week? It was surreal watching it in theaters and reliving my childhood. And while it will be awhile before our kiddos see the newest version, they’ve seen the old one and are always playing with our collection of Safari animals. So this week, to add to the Lion King fun, we made shadow puppets! My kids loved sitting on the floor and creating their own storyline, casting animal shadows on the ceiling that felt larger than life and using sound effects to create drama.

We created a free template if you’d like to try this at home. Just cut out, tape to straws, find a dark room and a flashlight. Have fun!


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If you found these free DIY puppets creative and inspiring, don’t miss out on our other FREE Printable Puppets, or other free templates and DIY resources on our blog!

We also have our Premium Backyard Birds Clothespin Puppet Downloads available for just one dollar! (Yes, $1!) Click the link for a list of everything that’s included.

Your kids will thank you ;)